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"Sold our house fast through there auction team, achieved a higher price than we thought. Very pleased"

Mr & Mrs Ali
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"We received excellent, professional advice on the process of renting our property. The yellow brick road team were knowledgeable and efficient. Great customer service."

Miss Jones
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"Over the years we have tried numerous estate agents to fully manage our rental portfolio. Since we have been with yellow brick road estate agent they have been on the ball from day one, personal service and available out of hours."

Mr & Mrs Lodge
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"Great efficiency and very helpful, really went the extra mile."

Mr R Mulkern
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"The team are fantastic, as a new buy to let investor they gave great advise on properties to buy. Would definitely recommend their property sourcing and fully managed service"

Mrs Tait
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"Great team and great connections, very professional. High recommend"

Mrs Cooling